The best way to get started with Smart Kids, Dumb Phones is to talk to other parents. Discuss which rules you might like to follow and how you'll manage them with your child. You may be fortunate enough to know parents who are ahead of you that can give valuable insights. If you're the first in your group of friends - be brave! Talk the rules through with someone you trust and decide what you're going to do and when.
When you're ready to tackle the conversation with your family, you might consider using our family discussion pack to explore your family values about devices.
Image: Breakfast by Kaylen Yul Lee from the Noun Project
Stories are the best way to communicate the effect of a toolkit like this - we'd love to be able to post positive impacts on our site and social media.
We're particularly interested in stories about your experience trying one of our rules. Post your story in the community section of our Facebook page, or e-mail it to
Image: success by Gilbert Bages from the Noun Project
Got expertise you think would help? Smart Kids, Dumb Phones is a small operation, and we're not looking to make any money. If you have skills that would aid in our goal of releasing children from device addiction and you'd like to donate your time, e-mail
Image: Target by Chanut is Industries from the Noun Project